A part of me will always fight for the underdog. Even though iNtuitives are fewer in number in regards to MBTI preferences, there's sometimes this N > S haughtiness that exists in the world of typology. And, that's not really cool, man.
What's Sensing & Intuition?
According to MBTI, we process our worlds through certain preferences of cognition. Intuition and Sensing are perceiving functions, which are functions that gather information. Sensing leans more towards tangible information that pertains to the senses, is more concrete, and present-oriented. Intuition can be more abstract and related to metaphor, interconnected ideas, and pattern recognition over time.
More awesome information about Sensing <3 via alittlebitofpersonality.com
Quick example: Discussing readings related to human suffering.
- Sensing-oriented processors may discuss concrete examples in the text. They may also want to know step-by-step what to do next to alleviate the problem. Language may be more literal and focused on details and action.
- Intuition-oriented processors may discuss future implications of the issue, and bring in seemingly unrelated themes and layers of causality. Language may be more abstract and metaphorical.
Both types of processing are necessary for harmony. Think of a world run by intuitives: sounds very idealist, yet a world full of ideas without much action and practical routine cannot benefit society. The same goes for a world filled with sensors. Action without considering implications of future generations and novel ideas can also be a problem.
Do sensors have intuition? Do intuitives have sensing?
MBTI assert that preferences lie along a continuum. Environment and awareness of cognition may change the strength or choice of one's preferences. The preferences can be viewed similarly to being born right or left-handed. Left-handed people still use their right hands. It's just not their dominant hand. The same can be said for cognitive preferences. Neither is better than the other, yet the dominant narrative can incredibly shape how being a certain way is good or bad, strong or weak.
Intuitives are not smarter than sensors. Intelligence can be subjective, anyways. (Social, body, emotional intelligences, etc.) Many intuitive preferences are in the realm of ideas and systemic thinking. This world needs balance, and the gifts each person has to offer, despite cognitive preferences, is a wonderful thought to me. I appreciate the beauty of diversity, especially when one is able to accept and feed their inner gifts.
Online Surveys (Which quiz gave you the result you agreed with the most?)
- Cognitive Profile - Keys 2 Cognition
- Jungian Cognitive Function Test - SimilarMinds
- Cognitive Function Test - Personality Cafe
What's your MBTI?
How have you developed and used your unique gifts of cognition?