As a school counselor intern, I'm surrounded by (700-800) hundreds of children a week. Sometimes our interactions are brief. With the culture of the school, and a greater openness to counseling or support staff, I'm able to engage with classrooms more fluidly. Some interventions are simply being visible to students in need of structure. Other times, in-class support can help some students focus more on positive tasks. And there is always individual and group support outside of class.
When I walk into a classroom to say, "Hi," or observe, the students always greet me with the warmest smiles. I'm met with bright eyes and arm waves that could knock over buildings. "Hi Ms. Boonie!" can definitely make my day worth the paperwork.
When I walk into a classroom, I get to witness genuine giving and teaching skill. These teachers are legit. Positive reinforcement, check. Consistent structure and routine, check. Varied teaching styles to reflect varied learning styles, check. Firm classroom managent skills, check. Creative activities, check! Running a classroom the way they do must have taken years to craft, and they've done it.
I'm at a title 1 school where the students need intervention and community resources. The teachers have shown me a collective of adults who understand what "it takes a community to raise a child" means. And I am grateful.
For all the adults do for these children, a culture of gratitude is created. Children want to give teachers and staff gifts, and I appreciate being appreciated. Some of my favorite gifts from students are rocks and thank you notes. I'm honored to receive their gifts. It's all they have, and I think it's beautiful.